20170111 Inspired to change

Inspired to change, change to inspire

Been working in illustrator more and more inspired by my daughter Kaitlyn of KaitD Photography. I still managed to take and process some shots today.

Inspired by the reflection

Inspired by the reflection which lead me to the face

Inspired by the face

Inspired by the face. Time to Break out Photoshop

Inspired by gardens past.

Inspired by gardens past. Piles of coffee grounds to be turned in in the spring.

Off to work on a human bean sprout.

Kait wants a bean sprout in her logo. I have an idea based on this photo.

I’m thinking something like this with a human bean. Maybe the embryo from 2001 or something like it.

But first

Yoast is telling me I only have 40 words, well below the recombined minimum of 300 words. That inspired me to write some more. Sometimes the best way if you have writer’s block, to get inspired is to make a change. Any kind of change will work if it has meaning for you. Change your hair, be inspired. Change your nutrition, be inspired. Inspired to change the position of a paragraph to get better SEO. Well I’m up over 116 words but Ive used inspired too many time or I still don’t have enough words. I need to add some substantial words with out invoking my focus keyword and you should know what that is by now. Of course I can use other forms of the focus keyword and they don’t count. That is a real inspiration.

Book madness

Been thinking of some advice from a book I have called Imagineering by something like LeBoff though I’m certain that’s not right. I think it came out before a series of the same title by Disney. I still own the book but it is in storage. The first thing I remember is a quote by two researchers. ‘the human is the only animal so intelligent it can learn to be stupid’ or something to that effect. I’ve been pondering this and asking “If one learns to be stupid are they still intelligent enough to turn back?” Think about it. It is a kind of conundrum. That would make a good service, one day your stupid and the next day you’re back. Wait, that’s a bar.


copyright © 2019 Michael A. Ament

About Michael Bear Ament

Born in 1955 I grew up with Beaver Cleaver and Opie Taylor. I started photography and drawing when I was seven. Now I take pictures everyday and design teeshirts. My UCOLORIT line of color it yourself teeshirts is just starting up with a new business partner Ana who will do the blogging while I concentrate on design.
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