20170121 Gone to the dogs

Neighborhood has gone to the dogs

They’re nice dogs though and they aren’t mine. I don’t have dogs anymore or cats and I won’t soon. I feel dogs are an expensive form of shit factory. Feed them and they shit all over the yard, refuse to feed them and you can be arrested. They are just not a good match for me, that’s why I don’t have them. Don’t get me wrong, dog ownership is ok for some people and I’m grateful for having friendly dogs in the neighborhood. But I like to treat them like grandchildren, enjoy them for a while then send them home for another day.

Some of my neighbors and their dogs

These are mastiffs, from Middle English derived through France from Latin mansuetus meaning tame. These dogs were completely tame except one likes to push up against me affectionately.

Nice day

My solar lighting hasn’t received enough light for the past few weeks to light up everyday. Today was the first clear sky for over a week and I got out and took some extra shots.

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Last week I resolved to spend at least an hour outdoors every day regardless of weather. So far it’s been easy with the pleasant weather but I still find myself needing to find excuses to stay out. So far in addition to my regular picture taking I have increased my stretching and walking. I’ve also started to clean out my van where I found some things that I used to carry in my pickup for camping before it got wrecked. I carefully “:S)” broke the glass in my Coleman lantern which though it is practical I really don’t like. My Coleman camp stove got really dented in the crash and maybe today I’ll pound it out straight again. I would like to know what happened to my gallon of white gas though, it’s very useful stuff. Not only will it fire the stove and start camp fires but in a pinch it works as Zippo fuel.

This is yesterday’s blog and I’m ready to start today’s so good bye.


copyright © 2019 Michael A. Ament

About Michael Bear Ament

Born in 1955 I grew up with Beaver Cleaver and Opie Taylor. I started photography and drawing when I was seven. Now I take pictures everyday and design teeshirts. My UCOLORIT line of color it yourself teeshirts is just starting up with a new business partner Ana who will do the blogging while I concentrate on design.
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