Login/Logout and procedures

These are my instructions for prospective MTB bloggers

This is how you log in and get to work.

First I’ll text you your user name and a temporary password. Then send you the link so you can follow it on a device of your choosing. Sign in with the credentials I text you. Before you start you need to 1. have time, about an hour  2. be in TXT contact with me but save talking on the phone for emergencies. This is what you’ll see:

Enter your credentials and hit login. Don’t forget the Captcha. You’ll see this screen next:

MTB Ana Dashboard

MTB Ana Dashboard

This is the dashboard where you control things. You only need to know two locations, the menus on the left and the account button upper right. You can explore the other links on the page but don’t blame me if you get lost. If you get lost just hit  the back button or choose Posts off of the dashboard menu.



Dashboard MENUS

Dashboard MENUS






The main menu you will be using is the All Posts menu. Jetpack let’s you customize a few advanced things but wait until you’re comfortable with the work flow. Media is where you can upload local images from iPhoto etc. Comments lets you see all comments, nice or mean or worse. If someone comments something which offends you I’ll block the user. Users are required to register in order to post comments. Please fill out the Profile section under the Account menu by a week from this day and ignore the rest for now. If you click on the Account button you can personalize the appearance of your  workspace on this screen:

MTB Ana Personalize

MTB Ana Personalize

Do what you like but just remember to click the update button at the very bottom or your changes won’t take.

Now hover over the avatar and a menu appears. The top line is your personal greeting from the site. It will always be you when you are on your own device. The only possible way it could be me is if you are working on my machine and I’m already logged in. In that case please log me out and log back in as yourself. Just hover over the menu until you see this and choose Log Out you’ll be back to the login screen so just log in as yourself. This is what my welcome looks like when you hover over it.

This is what your welcome screen looks like before you hover over it.

MTB Ana Welcome

MTB Ana Welcome

Getting to work

When I have something for you I’ll preinstall the images with a brief description in a New post, name it,  and text you the name of the post with a deadline. This business lives or dies on deadlines. Then you log in and select the All Posts menu you’ll see a screen similar to this:

MTB Ana POST listing

MTB Ana POST listing

The post I want you to work on should be at the top of the list but read carefully as I might be preparing another post. Click on the correct post and you will see something like this:

WP Basic 101 003

WP Basic 101 003

Notice the  Dashboard is still there, it almost always is. The top text line will be the title of the post which is already assigned. The big box in the middle will have images and descriptions in it. Re-write the descriptions in your own words and spice it up a bit. I don’t know how much marketing experience you have but remember that consumer benefits sell much better than selling points. That is the model I want you to use consumer benefits. Use personal anecdotes and describe how much you would enjoy that shirt. Just type your new description under the existing text and I will take the old description out when I edit and post it. Press the Save Draft button often. Never type more than you are afraid to lose. If you take a break from typing press the Save Draft button then. After you have saved your work you can press the Preview Changes button and proof it. Be certain to save before you leave or log out. If you don’t you’ll get a dialog like this:

Save changes dialog

Save changes dialog

Just hit the Stay on Page button then save your work.

A final thought, to get to the editor from the blog page scroll down until you see this menu on the bottom right. 

Click on Site Admin to get the login screen.

You will be given a deadline for each assignment. The deadline is for a completed post so give me a days slack for editing and approving it. I won’t make any major changes just formatting and proofing. If your post requires major changes I’ll note them and pass it back to you to make the changes. 

I will email you your assignments. It will start as a post and then become a permanent page later. Make it fun and enticing.

Make certain you log out when you are done 

PS this page is stored under the About menu, I just discovered I don’t like how the menus work so I’ll be changing it soon.

I have probably forgotten something, if I did just text me please.


